Debuted at Knobcon 2017
Ottava means Octave. This instrument earned that name from the various unique sub-oscillators on each of the two discrete analog oscillators and how this can be mixed into the final sound and routed through the 2-stage Digital Ring Modulator.
Ottava sports 2 analog oscillators with contiguously variable waveshapes,a 4 pole lowpass filter, 4 LFOs and 4 ADSRs with delay and hold. It has patch memory and 10 radio-style settable favorite patch recall buttons.
It was sold in two unique cases in either Baroque or Atomic color styles.
The Baroque version has a "sliding" control panel the curved down and over the keybed and converted it to a desktop style synth for use with a larger keyboard or DAW interface.

What if Stradivarius crafted a synthesizer?
This was a design study to bring the aesthetics of the violin to an electronic instrument. We think it turned out quite beautiful.
Internally, it is running a highly modified PAIA Fatman with a digital delay stomp box. It sports a 3 octave Fatar keybed and a knob-per-function first-of-its-kind curved control panel.