Analog with Brains

The Neuro line of modules were developed to fill a void in the eurorack market and to provide the building blocks that became Iliad and Nucleus.

these modules have brawn and brains. Their all analog circuits are enhanced with digital control... and, for the first time, module memory/patch storage and the ability for full system patch store/recall. Using an internal high-speed multi-drop communication signal, all NeuroRack modules can "talk" to each other and respond to MIDI CC, patch changes and system setup recall/storage.

The DSP inside each module also provides tuning stability, built-in AR and LFOs, Control Voltage modulation routings and access to special features.

The line consists of a

  • Complex analog oscillator,

  • Dual peak 8-pole multi-mode filter

  • Morphing wave LFO

  • Complex 6-stage ADSR with several unique trigger/retrigger modes

  • 4-input VCA/Mixer/Crossfader

  • MIDI Input and system patch control center

Custom Foldable Case
Artisan exclusive design for a 84 hp, 6U case that adjusts to many different positions and folds into a handy carrying case.